We have no choice but to obey.' And so, due to an ambiguous order, the Light Brigade charged down the wrong valley – instead of through a parallel valley behind one of the two Russian lines." 'Certainly, sir,' said Cardigan, 'but allow me to point out that the Russians have a battery in the valley on our front, and batteries and riflemen on both sides.' Lucan replied, 'I know it. "Lord Lucan, who commanded all the cavalry forces, instructed Lord Cardigan, leader of the Light Brigade, to charge at once. They swept proudly past, glittering in the morning sun.At the distance of 1,200 yards, the whole line of the enemy belched forth, from 30 iron mouths, a flood of smoke and flame, through which hissed the deadly balls. At 11.10 our Light Brigade rushed to the front.

It is your duty to take them: Lucan with reluctance gave the order to Lord Cardigan to advance…. When Lucan read the order, he asked, ‘Where are we to advance to?’ Nolan pointed to the Russians and said, ‘There are the enemy, and there are the guns before them. It appears that Brigadier Airey gave an order in writing to Captain Nolan to take to Lord Lucan, directing His Lordship ‘to advance’ his cavalry. “And now occurred the melancholy catastrophe which fills us all with sorrow. An Irish-born war correspondent William Howard Russell from Dublin who was there wrote in The London Times: Of its 673 cavalrymen, 141 were Irish and the charge's leaders had interesting Irish connections. The 25-minute Charge of the Light Brigade took place down the wrong valley at Balaclava 160 years ago. The Charge of the Light Brigade went down in history after Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote his famous poem with the chilling lines which every British schoolboy used to know by heart.